A message from the Custodians
You cannot own Hardraw Force, we look after it for your future generations - and sincerely hope you will enjoy your visit to the waterfall and woodlands.
Sadly from time to time people comment on our charging structure. We operate without any form of charity status or grant funding.
The fee goes some way to the upkeep of the grounds, provision of toilet facilities, replacing worn path coverings (every second year), repairing damaged riverbank, drystone walls, felling rotting trees, reinstating bridges and so much more.
When we bought the property in 2001 (after it had been on the market for five years with no interest), the land was in a very moribund state. It had less than a year to go before the walkway would have been impassable. - Yes walkway - the others had totally collapsed!
The one bridge constructed with then decaying railway sleepers was not fit for purpose and the grassed areas were littered with large scorch marks from indiscriminate campers.
The entrance fees we have received - together with over £350,000 of personal investment over the last ten years - have gone toward rebuilding, replanting, and loving everyones highest single drop waterfall.'
Mark and Yvonne
Warning and Conditions of Admittance:
Persons visiting Hardraw Force Waterfall and Woodland do so at their own risk and will indemnify D Mark Thompson Limited, Hardow Scaur Waterfall Company and their employees against any claim of whatever nature arising in connection with their visit. November 2019
Persons visiting Hardraw Force Waterfall and Woodland do so at their own risk and will indemnify D Mark Thompson Limited, Hardow Scaur Waterfall Company and their employees against any claim of whatever nature arising in connection with their visit. November 2019